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charges reduced

Upon further review...

 While there are many highly suggestive "off the record" tools used by many lawyers to shape the public's view of how good they are (e.g., compiling their "collective" years of experience, 'prestigious' associations, awards, political/peer rankings, magazine "top" lists, etc.), here's a more effective way: A sample of what happens "on the record," from which a more direct inference can be drawn. And of course, you're more than welcomed to come by any jurisdiction during arguments and see what happens for yourself. B. Levine

Client reviews
 Clearer Arguments 

Transcripts and in court video viewing from offering jurisdictions available....

Courts' Feedback

Shiawasee Circuit court: "what this could have been... you did 1 heck of a job..."

Grand Haven court: "You have a very smart attorney... that's exactly what I was going to do."

Lansing 54A Court: "Your lawyer did a * of a job." (getting a significant result)

Mason 55th Court: "you have to admit, that's (Atty Levine's) a very good argument..." (client released during pretrial detainment over the prosecutor's objection) 

Wayne County court: "Your lawyer did an excellent job."

Isabella County court: "...I don't know how your lawyer got them to drop that." (referring to the dismissal of multiple life felony offenses)

Novi District court: "you have a very, very good lawyer."

Ingham County Circuit: "he's right..." (the court reversed its prior sentencing despite being initially opposed to it)

30th Circuit court: "that's right, it isn't..." (a court recognizing that their conclusion didn't apply after we respectfully pointed out that a different statutory provision was applicable...)." 

Clinton county court: the court graciously commented on the positive interactions and arguments in previously argued cases...

Clients' Stories  
  • Multiple jurisdiction felony dismissals for young client.

  • Client's (former prisoner's) 19 prior convictions/4 new... No jail time.   

  • Client's 6 out of 7 Felonies dismissed...

  • Client released from jail (pretrial detainment request to see the birth of his son granted...). 

  • Unlawful Sentence reversed and the client was released during a probation violation hearing (probation violation was also dismissed).

  • Client wanted for questioning following shooting (state wide search/media involved): we met with detectives, directly addressed/exposed the circumstance and that same afternoon, she was removed as a suspect.

  • Client's case (national media coverage) involving the dual sovereignty doctrine multiple felonies- all dismissed...                       

  • Client facing Life - no prison, no record...

  • Destruction of Government Property -Dismissed.

  • Post/Military matters/unprecedented reduction in charges.

  • Deputy City Attorney matters. 

  • Client's Operating a boat while Intoxicated- dismissed.

  • Variety of drug charges dismissals.

  • Multiple assault cases dismissed.

  • Multiple r/o cases dismissed/no record.

  • Multiple FTD and retail fraud dismissals. 

  • Weapons Charges reduced or dismissed.

  • Client's Criminal Sexual Conduct charges dismissed during our own independent and revealing investigation...

  • Client Operating Meth Lab (20 year felony) - no jail time, despite video admission...  

© 2018 Former Deputy City Attorney Barnet G. Levine

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